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Rwanda has converted over 10 million paper land titles into digital format

Rwanda has converted over 10 million paper land titles into digital format, making it easier for people to manage their property. This change came in 2023, aiming to save time and money.

Previously, fraudsters had the ability to fabricate signatures and documents, leading to numerous issues. However, with the introduction of electronic land titles, such fraudulent activities have become significantly more challenging to execute.

Marie Grace Nishimwe, from Rwanda's National Land Authority, says more than 866,000 electronic titles have already been downloaded.

This transition to digital titles brings numerous benefits;

  • Simplification of permit acquisition processes.

  • Streamlining of legal matter resolutions.

  • Convenient tax payments.

  • Improved access to agricultural services.

Notably, unlike the previous paper-based system, digital titles are provided free of charge.

This progress shows Rwanda's commitment to modernization and helping its citizens. By using technology to make land ownership more secure and efficient, Rwanda is moving forward toward a brighter future. 


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Published on
Wed, 02/07/2024 - 14:54

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